
Initialization, random walk function and output

These are the main multixrank methods.

Main class to run the random walk with restart in universal multiplex networks

multixrank.Multixrank.__init__(self, config: str, wdir: str, pr=None)

Constructs an object for the random walk with restart.

  • config (str) – Path to the configuration file in YML format. Paths will be used relative to the wdir path variable below

  • wdir (str) – Path to the working directory that will be as starting point to the paths in the config file.

multixrank.Multixrank.random_walk_rank(self) DataFrame

Function that carries ous the full random walk with restart from a list of seeds.

Returns :

rwr_ranking_df (pandas.DataFrame) : A pandas Dataframe with columns: multiplex, node, layer, score

multixrank.Multixrank.to_sif(self, random_walk_rank: DataFrame, path: str, top: int | None = None, top_type: str = 'layered', aggregation: str = 'gmean')

Writes the ‘random walk results’ to a subnetwork with the ‘top’ nodes as a SIF format (See Cytoscape documentation)

  • rwr_ranking_df (pandas.DataFrame) – A pandas Dataframe with columns: multiplex, node, layer, score, which is the output of the random_walk_rank function

  • path (str) – Path to the TSV file with the random walk results

  • top (int) – Top nodes based on the random walk score to be included in the TSV file

  • top_type (str) – “per layer” (top nodes for each layer) or “all” (top nodes any layer)

  • aggregation (str) – One of “none”, “geometric mean” or “sum”

multixrank.Multixrank.write_ranking(self, random_walk_rank: DataFrame, path: str, top: int | None = None, aggregation: str = 'gmean', degree: bool = False)

Writes the ‘random walk results’ to a subnetwork with the ‘top’ nodes as a SIF format (See Cytoscape documentation)

  • rwr_ranking_df (pandas.DataFrame) – A pandas Dataframe with columns: multiplex, node, layer, score, which is the output of the random_walk_rank function

  • path (str) – Path to the SIF file

  • top (int) – Top nodes based on the random walk score to be included in the SIF file

  • aggregation (str) – One of “nomean”, “gmean”, “hmean”, “mean”, or “sum”

Example class

There is a class to generate a working example.


Initiates example class

multixrank.Example.write(self, path)

Writes file tree of working example to ‘path’ directory


path (str) – Path to the output directory

Configuration and network files

This configuration file defines network paths, multiplexes, bipartites and numerical parameters for the random walk. A working example can be found in the Tutorial section.

This is an example of a minimal configuration YAML file: config_minimal.yml

This is an example of a configuration YAML file with all parameters: config_full.yml

Multiplex and bipartite unweighted networks are given as two-column TSV files without a header. This is an example: FR3.tsv

Multiplex and bipartite weighted networks are given as two-column TSV files without a header. This is an example: 1_3.tsv

Remark: A space is needed after the symbol “-”, to define the elements of a list in the config.yml file.


Below we explain the numerical parameters needed to run the random walk.

Parameter schema

MultiXrank RWR parameters to explore universal multilayer networks composed of N multiplex networks (each composed of several layers containing the same set of nodes but different edges). The parameters ‘delta’ are associated with the probability to jump from one layer to another in a given multiplex network, ‘lambda’ with the probability to jump from one multiplex network to another multiplex network, ‘tau’ with the probability to restart in a given layer of a given multiplex network, and ‘eta’ with the probability to restart in a given multiplex network.


  • The global restart probability is given by the float number r between 0 and 1


  • A vector of length equal to the number of multiplex networks with probabilities

  • A given element of the delta vector gives the probability to change the layer in a given multiplex network


  • ‘tau’ is given as a list of vectors where each vector corresponds to the restart probabilities in each multiplex network

  • Elements of each vector correspond to the restart probabilities at the given layer

  • For, instance the tau23 corresponds to the restart probability at the third layer of the second multiplex network


  • The ‘eta’ parameter vector given the restart probability at a given multiplex network

  • A vector of probabilities with length equals to the number of multiplex networks

  • This vector sums up to one


The parameter ‘lambda’ is associated with the probability to jump from one multiplex network to another one. For instance, lambdaij represents the probability to jump from the multiplex network i to the multiplex network j.

graph_type field: unweighted/weighted, undirected/directed

The multiplex and bipartite graph types as either undirected or directed and unweighted or weighted are given by codes 00, 01, 10 and 11 in the following way:

Graph type




Undirected, unweighted




Undirected, weighted




Directed, unweighted




Directed, weighted





  • The ‘self_loops’ parameter defines whether self loops are removed or not

  • This parameter is a Boolean and takes values 0 or 1.

  • Setting this parameter to 1, it solves the problem of zero columns in the transition matrix if the network was wrongly built.